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Corporate Social Responsibility

Hy-Vee values corporate giving, but each store tailors charitable contributions to meet the needs of their local communities.

While corporate giving is important, it is the community citizenship practiced at store level that makes Hy-Vee most proud. The company’s autonomous structure fosters a spirit of entrepreneurship that allows stores to custom-tailor their contributions to meet the needs of their communities. In the beginning, it took the form of donations of heating oil or a box of groceries to a family suffering through hard times during the Depression; today, it encompasses financial contributions to hundreds of causes, leadership roles in non-profit organizations and one-on-one volunteer contacts in the community. Whether it’s a Little League team or a Big League franchise, our stores are deeply passionate about their involvement in their communities, not only through product and financial support, but through volunteerism as well.

Feeding America

Over the years, Hy-Vee has supported the Feeding America network of partner food banks through several initiatives including register round ups, food donations and disaster relief efforts. 

Variety, The Children’s Charity

The charity was founded in the 1920s to help improve the lives of children who are at-risk, underprivileged, critically ill or living with l needs. Today, Variety impacts more than 100,000 children through various programs around the world. Since 1983, Hy-Vee has supported Variety’s mission with special events such as the former Hy-Vee Triathlon, Petals for Pedals, and other fundraising and volunteering efforts. Additionally, Hy-Vee employees volunteer each year taking pledges during the annual Variety Telethon, which began in 1975.

To date, Hy-Vee has donated more than $19 million to Variety in support of Iowa children in need.


Help improve the lives of local children in need by rounding up your purchase to the nearest dollar in-store or donating on Hy-Vee Aisles Online between July 1-31, 2022. Your donation will benefit children who are at-risk, underprivileged, critically ill or living with special needs.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

Juvenile diabetes first struck the Hy-Vee family in 1921 when company cofounder Charles Hyde's oldest son, Paul, died from the disease when he was 8 years old. As the needs of diabetic children grew, Hy-Vee dedicated its efforts to help the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation find a cure for the debilitating disease. Since 1998, the year former Hy-Vee CEO Ron Pearson was corporate chair for the Central Iowa JDRF Walk for the Cure, the company has donated nearly $20 million. Funds are raised through a variety of corporate and store events, including walks throughout Hy-Vee land and Team Hy-Vee participation in Rides for the Cure throughout the United States.


Help local families that are impacted by Type 1 diabetes by rounding up your purchase to the nearest dollar in-store between March 7-27, 2022. Your donation will be made to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to provide necessary solutions that help local families in need while supporting research and advocacy to end the disease.

Hy-Vee Homefront

Hy-Vee Homefront is an ongoing initiative to increase awareness of and support for organizations that serve our nation’s military members, veterans and their families through fundraisers, community events and special initiatives. Benefiting organizations include Puppy Jake, Hope for the Warriors, Operation Homefront and the American Red Cross.

To date, Hy-Vee has raised more than $3.2 million to support veterans, active-duty military and their families.

Through Hy-Vee Homefront, we are extending our efforts to include more organizations, and we’re inviting our customers, employees, suppliers and communities to join in serving those who have served us. When the call came, they answered; now it’s time for all of us to honor their commitment and their sacrifice by stepping up to meet their needs at home.